“To manage a system effectively, you might focus on the interactions of the parts rather than their behavior taken separately.”

Russell L. Ackoff

It’s about reality.  We are a business and technology firm headquartered in Toronto, Ontario.  We created our enterprise because many projects involving business models fail to accept the difficulty people have trying to get their business desires and structures down on a piece of paper.  Consequently, they turn to quick solutions without thinking through the repercussions.  We apply a systematic and structured approach to design an elegant solution for even the most challenging business environments.

The biggest problem in building business models is impatience to create; create a model as if it’s a paint-by-number exercise that looks right with neat boxes containing what we feel are appropriate titles and lists of business elements.  Some approaches have four boxes, and at least two have nine boxes, but ours is a sixteen-block matrix. Sixteen blocks are our holistic representation of your business – at least, it will be by the end of the workbook.  But ours is anything but a paint-by-numbers exercise: our methodology is a systematic method for producing a business model.

The adjacent picture represents the Framework in both our Workbook and Online courses.  It is based on the Framework matrix and our consistent and straightforward use of four.  Four levels of Framework, four levels of function, and four activities in the methodology and our instructional steps.

The most critical factor is acquiring the ability to step back from the day-to-day politics, the history of the current business structures, and our subjective selves and terminology. 

Level 4 Workbook shows the systematic process used to build a business model that reflects today’s reality and tomorrow’s aspirations.

The reality of business is, however, more like the picture below.  It reflects the many entities and connections in what needs to get built and exists as a model – it’s not just a two-dimensional set of boxes.  It can be daunting.  We need to use a framework and a “systems thinking” approach to express the steps necessary to build such a business model.


Manipulation of the contents of such a model is impossible without the aid of the Framework concept.









Click on Workbook to download Sample Pages, a free copy of the first chapter (Level 1 Normative), or a full version of the Level 4 Frameworks Workbook.